Government Policy

FTC Shuts Down Bogus Credit Card Robocallers

FTC Shuts Down Bogus Credit Card Robocallers

Three companies that made claims that they could help consumers reduce their credit card interest rates — and then charged fees of up to $1,590 — have been shut down by the Federal Trade Commission. “The last thing debt-ridden consumers need is to be deluged by illegal robocalls – especially when all the calls are offering is a scam,” said FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz. [More]

AT&T Raising iPhone Early Termination Fee To $325

AT&T Raising iPhone Early Termination Fee To $325

Having cold feet with your iPhone will cost you $325 starting June 1. AT&T is increasing the fee for breaking early two-year smartphone contracts from $199. The carrier is also decreasing the early termination fee for “dumb” phones by $25 to $150. [ [More]

White House Says CFPA On Your Side: "Anything Is Fair Game"

White House Says CFPA On Your Side: "Anything Is Fair Game"

The new Consumer Financial Protection agency will be a place you can go to with your complaints and they will be taken seriously, the White House said this afternoon during a conference call in which Consumerist took part. While, “It’s not totally worked out who’s going to be manning the 1-800 number,” said senior economic adviser Austan Goolsbee, [More]

American Psycho: The Business Card Scene

American Psycho: The Business Card Scene

Apropos of the blow dealt to Wall Street excess by the financial reform bill just passed by the Senate, here’s another piece of Wall Street excess that should probably get regulated. Business cards. They’ve gone totally off the rails. As my favorite scene from American Psycho shows, we must rein in these out-of-control practices before more kittens get stuffed into ATMS. [More]

"$10 Minimum For Credit Card Purchase" Signs May Soon Be Totally Legit

"$10 Minimum For Credit Card Purchase" Signs May Soon Be Totally Legit

As we all know, merchants are generally not supposed to mandate minimum credit card purchases. It’s a violation of the merchant agreements they sign with the credit card companies. (For more info, check out this article.) The proposed finance bill, however, may legitimize those handwritten signs if it ends up passing. [More]

What's In The Financial Reform Bill?

What's In The Financial Reform Bill?

Now that the Senate has passed the financial reform bill, it’s off to non-smoke-filled rooms, where it will go into a Blendtec with the version passed by the House last year. sifted through all 1,600 pages of the bill and came up with a handy cheat sheet explaining what’s actually likely to change when this thing becomes a law. [More]

ACLU Jumps In On Amazon's Privacy Fight

ACLU Jumps In On Amazon's Privacy Fight

The North Carolina Department of Revenue wants to hit up Amazon for detailed info about purchases by residents of the state, but Amazon is fighting back in federal court, and now has won over the American Civil Liberties Union as a tag-team partner, WRAL of North Carolina reports. [More]

900,000 Walmart GE Coffee Pots Are Ready To Set Your House On Fire

900,000 Walmart GE Coffee Pots Are Ready To Set Your House On Fire

The CPSC has announced the recall of 900,000 GE coffee makers that were sold at Walmart. The retailer has received 83 reports of overheating, smoking, melting, burning and fire, including three reports of minor burn injuries to consumer’s hands, feet and torso. Reports of property damage include a significant kitchen fire and damage to countertops, cabinets and a wall. [More]

Financial Reform Bill Heading To Final Vote

Financial Reform Bill Heading To Final Vote

Despite opposition from most Republicans and a couple of liberal Democrats, the Senate today reached the 60 votes needed to block a filibuster threat, clearing the way to bring the financial reform bill to a final vote. In the 60-to-40 vote, Democrats were joined by three Republicans, including freshman Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts. [More]

Florida DMV Tells Woman She Lives On "Eat Ass" Street

Florida DMV Tells Woman She Lives On "Eat Ass" Street

A woman in Florida got her driver’s license in the mail only to find that she apparently lived on “Eat Ass” street. Her entire street address is printed as “Eat Ass Englewood, FL 34223,” thus raising the question of how exactly they mailed the license to her. [More]

FDA Announces Widespread Investigation Of McNeil After Tylenol Recalls

FDA Announces Widespread Investigation Of McNeil After Tylenol Recalls

Remember the recalled liquid Tylenol and other children’s medicines last month? Or the stinky drugs that were recalled back in January? Or the children’s Tylenol that was recalled last September? The FDA remembers, which is probably why it’s “conducting a company-wide investigation of McNeil Consumer Healthcare’s drug manufacturing practices to determine whether similar problems exist throughout the company.” Also, a date has now been set (May 27) for the House Committee hearing where the CEO and chairman of parent company Johnson & Johnson are expected to testify. [More]

After Posting SS# In Ads, Lifelock CEO's Identity Stolen 13 Times

After Posting SS# In Ads, Lifelock CEO's Identity Stolen 13 Times

So confident is Lifelock in its $10-$15/month “identity theft protection service” that its CEO Todd Davis posts his social security number in its ads. Unfortunately, his identity has been stolen 13 times since doing so, reports the Phoenix Times. The FTC fined Lifelock $12 million in March for deceptive advertising.

Cracking LifeLock: Even After a $12 Million Penalty for Deceptive Advertising, the Tempe Company Can’t Be Honest About Its Identity-Theft-Protection Service [Phoenix New Times]

Lawsuit-Happy Producer Tells Boycotter He's A 'Stupid Moron' Whose Kids Hopefully Get Arrested

Lawsuit-Happy Producer Tells Boycotter He's A 'Stupid Moron' Whose Kids Hopefully Get Arrested

BoingBoing relays an entertaining name-calling tirade from Hurt Locker producer Nicolas Chartier, who responds with a vengeance to a writer who told him he’d boycott his company Voltage Picture’s films because it’s suing people who illegally downloaded the film. [More]

Groupon Shows How To Properly Explain TOS Changes

Groupon Shows How To Properly Explain TOS Changes

Groupon is a daily deal sort of website, but the reason it’s on Consumerist today is because of how well it communicated some recent changes to its Terms of Service agreement. Consumerist reader Pureboy sent in a copy of the email he recently received where the website explained the changes in plain English, with examples. [More]

1.8 Million Toy Dart Guns Recalled

1.8 Million Toy Dart Guns Recalled

After two boys died from choking on the darts, Family Dollar Stores recalled 1.8 million toy dart gun sets. If the soft plastic darts are placed in one’s mouth, it’s possible they can be inhaled and prevent breathing. [More]

Wireless Industry Lobbyists Explain Why The FCC Should Back Off

Wireless Industry Lobbyists Explain Why The FCC Should Back Off

The president and a vice-president for CTIA, a lobbying organization for the wireless industry, spoke recently with CNET about why they think the FCC should leave their members alone. The vice-president, Chris Guttman-McCabe, is a lawyer and as such his answers are useless. President Steve Largent, however, actually has a couple of candid moments during the interview. [More]

Woman Sues Cellphone Company For $600,000 For "Exposing" Her Adultery

Woman Sues Cellphone Company For $600,000 For "Exposing" Her Adultery

A woman has sued her wireless provider for $600,000 for outing her as a cheater to her husband. After the they added internet and TV services to the woman’s previously single-user cellphone bill, the wireless company began sending the husband a unified bill, which included several hours long conversations to an unknown number. The husband walked out, and the lawsuits began. [More]

Put The Words 'Eat More' In Your Biz And Chick-Fil-A Will Cluck At You

Put The Words 'Eat More' In Your Biz And Chick-Fil-A Will Cluck At You

A Florida businessman named his market Eat More Produce, and Chick-fil-A has taken it as a personal insult, sending the business letters accusing it of ripping off its ad campaign, the Orlando Sentinel reports: [More]