Which NFL Team Charges Fans The Highest Prices On Game Day?
As the ever-present legions of tailgaters can attest, it’s pretty common practice to get your grilling and drinking on when game day arrives in the parking lot, where it’s much cheaper than inside the football stadium’s doors. So who’s got the highest prices in all the football land?
Including the price of tickets, which are about $82 on average for season ticket holders (up 3% from last year), things like parking and buying beers will cost two fans $209 on game day on average. That’s in addition to whatever you buy to tailgate beforehand, notes CNNMoney, and doesn’t include stadium grub.
Parking prices have more than doubled in the last decade, according to the “Fan Cost Index” from Team Marketing Report, and beer prices are also climbing.
But it’s not all doom and gloom — 17 out of the 32 teams this year either kept ticket prices the same or dropped them.
“Teams are aware that cost is always an issue, and they are very conscious to make sure that there are a wide range of ticket prices for the fans,” said an NFL spokesman.
The priciest place to be a fan? At a home Dallas Cowboys game, where game day costs about $313 (that’s tickets, one beer each and parking for two fans). The cheapest loyalty to purchase is that of a Cleveland Browns aficionado, at $150 for the same items on game day.
Of course those ticket prices are for season ticket holders — plenty of fans will have to turn to secondary markets to score a seat, which can raise the cost significantly. There’s always the option of a nice, free couch at your home and a freezer full of frosted beer mugs.
The high cost of being a football fan [CNNMoney]
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