Amazon Sends Ginormous Box Filled With Free Toys For Our Toddler, Sorta

Best toys ever! Thanks, Amazon!
A gigantic box arrived on Allison’s doorstep. It was from Amazon. What on earth had they ordered? The box was large enough to fit their young son inside. As it turned out, Mr. Allison had ordered only a few small items, which Amazon threw in a big box, filling the rest with air pillows.
The upshot of this was that they got some shocks, a few water filters, and a huge pile of awesome toys for their child.
My husband ordered a few small things from Amazon. We have Prime, so they were shipped very quickly. However, when the box arrived, I was a little confused – it was a HUGE box for only a few small items. My husband said he only ordered a pair of shocks to keep the hood of our Jeep Cherokee from closing and 2 water filters for the fridge. I would imagine all of these items combined should have fit into a small package. Upon opening the box we found a TON of those air bags filling the box. There were so many I wasn’t even sure our items were in there. In fact, now that we removed our purchases, I can’t even fit all the filling back into the box! As you can see, my son had fun with them though!
The box itself also counts as a toy, of course.
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