Live In An Apartment? Have No Yard? You Can Still Have A Yard Sale
Over at Get Rich Slowly, Kristin Wong takes us through some of the options for people who have unwanted stuff, but who don’t live in a traditional attached house with a yard.
- Just set up out front. Take your unwanted items out to the sidewalk, stoop, porch, or front lawn of the building where you live, slap some stickers on them, and camp out. Of course, in a dense city there are a few things you’ll need to check out first: do you need some kind of permit, or is the city cool with one-day sales?
Check with your landlord or property manager. If you’re particularly gracious, check with other tenants in the building to see whether they’re okay with your plan, and offer space to any items they want to get rid of, too.
Remember, if it turns into a sale for the whole building, that’s less time that you personally have to spend sitting in the sun.
- Just go virtual. List big items on Craigslist, or put books, movies, and other presentable consumer goods on the Amazon Marketplace. Consider Freecycle if you just want to be rid of stuff.
- Look for communal sales. Some churches and neighborhoods have trunk sales, where you pay a small fee and sell your unwanted stuff out of the back of your car. Do you have friends who live in subdivisions or charming small towns? Ask them whether their neighborhood has a sale coming up, and whether you can cart your stuff over and sell from their yard.
How to throw a yard sale when you’re an apartment dweller [Get Rich Slowly]
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