Look Tough, Nap Hard With The Travel Hoodie Pillow

hoodiepillowThe Travel Hoodie Pillow is exactly what this world needs: a travel pillow that not only doesn’t look like a travel pillow and you can carry it around incognito, but lets you put a hood over your face, blocking your eyes from the light and from the curious stares of people who don’t understand why you’re wearing a sweatshirtless hood.

According to Amazon reviewers, the travel hoodie pillow has one flaw: you have to inflate it. This means that you either need to walk around all pillowed up, stuff the travel pillow in your bag, or sit there in your plane or bus seat huffing and puffing like you’re blowing up water wings before you just settle down to sleep.


Maybe you do all of your napping at home, but still want the light-blocking effect of a hood over your face. The HoodiePillow pillowcase has you covered. Or has your forehead and eyes covered, at least.


HoodiePillow® [Official Site] (via Laughing Squid – thanks, Dirk!)

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