Has Your Phone Or Tablet Ever Been Hacked Or Hit With Malware? Tell Us About It

(Ninja M.)
We’re working with our kith and kin at Consumer Reports on a story about people who have been the victim of a hacked wireless device, or who have discovered malware on their smartphone or tablet. We’re also looking for people whose personal information was put in peril following the loss or theft of a wireless device.
So if you can an answer “Yes” to any of these questions…
-Was your identity was stolen via malware placed on your device?
-Did you lose your photos or have them stolen due to malicious software on your phone or tablet?
-Was malware used to charge you for calls you didn’t make or texts you didn’t send?
-Have you been harassed or harmed by someone who was tracking your activities via malicious software on your mobile device?
-Has anyone gained unauthorized access to your bank, Facebook, e-mail, or other account because your smartphone or tablet was lost or stolen?
Send us your stories of wireless woe at tips@consumerist.com with “WIRELESS MALWARE STORY” in the subject line.
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