Sam’s Club Reinstates Oversold Black Friday Orders, Makes Up To Sad Customers

Ginormous TVs for all!
Anna, who we featured in our previous post about the issues at Sam’s, sent us this update:
Sam’s Club has started contacting customers via email, phone calls, and letters to reinstate these oversold orders. They are honoring these orders at the agreed upon price. That should make a lot of people happy who had orders canceled for computers, TVs, luggage, and many other items. Sounds like most should get their orders by Christmas.
I happened to pick up the phone today and they claimed they had computer issues that day and it resulted in these errors. It’s all now being handled by a special group of people at Sam’s to resolve these customers issues.
Unfortunately for Sam’s Club, we scrambled and were barely able to secure a Black Friday special TV at Amazon instead. Amazon delivered the TV into our home by the time Sam’s Club even came up with a resolution. For their part, Sam’s Club was nice enough to offer a $50 Gift Card and a free extra year of membership since we had already found a TV.
In the end, we’re pleased with the results. Amazon and Sam’s Club came through for us.
A+ turnaround, Sam’s Club. We’re glad to hear that they were able to fix things.
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