Oprah Wholeheartedly Endorses The Surface Tablet In A Tweet Sent From Her iPad

Of all the people we never thought we’d have to say this to: Oprah Winfrey, celebrity endorsements? You’re doing it wrong. The one and only O just looooves showering her fans with expensive, exciting gifts during her “Favorite Things” special once a year. This year she was super fired up about the new MS Surface. Earlier this week she gushed about the Windows tablet, but just so happened to send that admiring tweet from her iPad. D’oh.
TechCrunch calls Oprah out on her flimfammery shimshammery with a screengrab showing the “sent via Twitter for iPad” that can be seen on a mobile phone, wherein she tweeted:
“Gotta say love that SURFACE! Have bought 12 already for Christmas gifts. #FavoriteThings”
Okay so, we know celebrities and famous faces often push products — the other 47 things on her favorites list include more fancy gadgets — but does she really love her Surface that much if she’s still doodling around on her iPad?
As TechCrunch points out, it might not be all Oprah’s fault. After all, there’s a dearth of Twitter apps for Windows RT, which is what Surface runs on. Perhaps she just couldn’t find one of the few Twitter clients that do exist.
Twitter itself hasn’t released an official app for the Windows Store (though it says it’s working with developers, which could be a bad sign for Windows. As in, don’t have a user interface app? Eh, we’re not going to move too fast to develop one.
But she could’ve hopped on her computer or even stayed on her iPad and just tweeted through Twitter.com if she wanted her endorsement to remain pristine and untouched by the shadow of Apple.
When it comes to truth in advertising, perhaps it’s best we look elsewhere than celebrity endorsements.
*Thanks for the tip, M.M.!
Oprah Tweets Her Love For Microsoft Surface Using An iPad [TechCrunch]
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