Judge Requires Strip Club Patrons To Tuck In Shirts, Dancers To Cover Rear-Ends

A Houston-area strip club is set to face trial in December on allegations that all sorts of illicit activities — prostitution, drugs, illegal weapons — were being trafficked within its walls. Yesterday, the judge in the case ruled that the club can remain open, but on some rather strict conditions.
According to the Houston Chronicle, the club has one week to cross off all the items on her checklist, which includes requiring patrons to tuck in their shirts and making sure that all employees completely cover their derrieres.
“I saw far too much tokus for my liking,” the Chronicle quotes the judge, who reviewed tapes from inside the club, as saying.
Here are some additional conditions put on the club:
* On-camera bag checks for all entering employees and contractors;
* Anyone on the payroll with a felony conviction in the past decade must be dismissed;
* Random drug testing for employees;
* Install 14 additional video cameras in the club. Tapes from these cameras and the existing dozen cameras are to be turned over to government lawyers.
“What the judge has done is make sure that within a very short period of time they’re complying with the law and we have evidence if they’re not complying with the law,” said one prosecutor after Monday’s ruling. “If they follow the court’s orders, work with us, we work with them, it can be a legal operation. We don’t want to close them if they will obey the law.”
The club maintains that it did nothing illegal and is being unfairly targeted because it has challenged local ordinances targeting adult businesses.
Strip club can continue to operate with new limits [Chron.com]
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