AT&T Upgrades Mean No Wireless Service At Home For 6 Months

Colleen is a longtime AT&T Wireless customer. If her account were a person, it would be old enough to drive. She’s had no problems until this year, but the problem is a big one: she no longer has service in or anywhere near her home. She didn’t move to the side of a remote mountain: she lives in the Atlanta metropolitan area. While AT&T has given her a refund of two months’ service for her trouble, they can’t tell her when she’ll be able to make phone calls from her own house.
I’ve been an AT&T wireless customer since 1994, with no issues prior to this year. In April, I noticed I no longer has service in or near my neighborhood. Since then, I’ve contacted AT&T on 12 different occasions hoping for resolution. Each time, I’ve been told that any number of towers in my immediate area are out (one time it was 26 within a 25 mile radius) and that I need to be patient while they upgrade.
I’ve been more than patient. They did credit me two months of service, but even more aggravating is that they will not confirm any anticipated timeline for resolution.
They did however, offer to SELL ME a $99/month micro cell booster.
Oh, and they are refusing to waive any cancellation charges.
No cell service. For SIX MONTHS. Be patient.
Are they serious?
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