19 Fast Food Chains Say They'll Offer Healthier Kids' Meals

Parents will get to feel a bit less guilty when hauling off their rugrats to fast food joints, thanks to a pact made by 19 fast food chains. The coalition of the willing has promised to supply healthier alternatives to the traditional burger and fries option.
The New York Daily News reports that the other NRA, the National Restaurant Association, revealed that participating chains encompass 15,000 restaurants, including Friendly’s, IHOP and Burger King. Instead of automatically supplying fries as sides, the restaurants will offer fruit as an alternative. Participating restaurants will offer meals that contain less than 600 calories, including sub-200 calorie sides that stick with federal recommendations for salt, sugar and fat.
If you’re a parent, how often do you give your kid fast food, and what do you do to make the meals relatively healthy?
Fast food menus for kids get healthy makeover; 19 chains to offer healthier options for children [New York Daily News]
(Thanks, Brian!)
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