Debt Junkies, Have A Cup Of Instant Money!

This curious 1960’s ad for a Bank of America personal loan portrays needy borrowers as jerky junkies twitching for a fix. Thankfully, BofA has a storehouse of jars of “instant” money (that operate suspiciously like a cup of cappuccino) that is the balm for your frayed nerves.


ANNOUNCER: Do you have “money jitters?” Ask the obliging Bank of America for a jar of soothing instant money. M – O – N – E – Y, in the form of a convenient personal loan, available now at Bank of America.


What they don’t show you is that the guy is “crashing” after his last hit of “instant money” ran and that eventually he will end up losing all his collateral, his stereo, and his shoes get his next fix…

(Thanks to Jonathan!)

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