Don't Stiff Your Cab Driver Or He Might Crash Into Your House

A couple months back, we wrote about the New Orleans cab driver charged with holding a passenger hostage because she refused to tip as much as he wanted her to. Now here’s another tale of a cab driver gone rogue over a fare dispute that landed a cabbie in jail after ramming his taxi into the house at which he’d just dropped his passengers off.
A honeymooning Italian couple were taking the cab from Beverly Hills to a house in the Cahuenga Pass on Wednesday night. They claim that the driver got lost several times during the drive. So when they arrived at their destination, they took issue with the $35 fare.
They ended up giving the driver $26, but that didn’t sit well with him. While they walked from the cab to the house, they claim they noticed the car moving quickly in their direction. They moved out of the way and the taxi slammed into the front door of the house, just as the door was being opened by someone inside.
“He crashed the car into the house. He tried to kill us,” said one of the passengers.
The unlucky resident who opened the door at the wrong time suffered an arm injury. The driver was taken into custody on charges of assault with a deadly weapon.
Taxi Driver Crashes into Home Over Fare Dispute [KTLA]
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