Best Buy Will Price Match Washer Only If You Buy It Elsewhere

Reader John says he went to Best Buy to get a washer/dryer set. When he asked a salesman to price match another retailer (there was a large sign on top of the machine saying they would price match), he says he was told a) he’d have to actually go buy the washer/dryer set at the other retailer and bring back a receipt b) even if he went and did that, Best Buy might not match the price because Best Buy doesn’t need John’s business. Really?
I went shopping for a Washer/Dryer this weekend, stopped in Best Buy to compare prices. The salesman showed me a set they had on sale for about $1,700, but a competing appliance retailer had the same set including the pedestals for $1,500 (for those of you who have shopped for these, they are about $200 a piece). I asked him if he would price match per the big sign posted on top of the machine and got a rather interesting response.
He did some internet research and informed me that the deal wasn’t advertised in their weekly ad so it couldn’t be matched and the only way they would match it is if I bought it there and came in and showed the receipt. I asked why I would buy a set there, cancel the order and pay restocking fee, and then come buy from him for the same exact price.
His response was that “We’re a better store, and I’m sure you can figure something out with the re-stocking fee.” Really? I should pay more money for the same exact product because you’re a “better store”?
He then took the liberty to inform me that even if I did bring in the necessary materials for a price match, he is not obligated to do it and said:
“Quite frankly, we wouldn’t match it anyway because we don’t need your business. We’re the best store around and I have plenty of people who will come in here tomorrow and buy these for the prices on the sticker so I don’t really care if you buy from us or not.”
I also needed to buy a TV, but didn’t bother to look on my way out.
If you don’t want to give me a deal because it’s “too good,” that’s fine and it makes perfect business sense, though I can think of about 78 ways to go about it in a better manner.
Uh, yeah. How about, “No, I’m sorry. I can’t price match that item for you, but it’s a good deal — I suggest you take advantage of it.”
We’ve been told that in plenty of stores and it never gave us a bad impression. If anything, we appreciated the honesty. How do you think Best Buy should have handled this situation?
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