Walmart Bomb Threat Suspect Already Waiting Trial For Similar Charge

(Ninja M.)
Police in Oklahoma say that the man arrested over the weekend for phoning in a bomb threat to an Oklahoma City Walmart is currently awaiting trial for doing the same thing to an employment agency office only a few months earlier.
The 46-year-old man suspected of threatening to blow up the Walmart was arrested on Sunday and is currently being held in lieu of $5,000 bail. He allegedly called into the store around 2:45pm on Sunday, prompting managers to evacuate the store.
Meanwhile, back in November, the same guy had been nabbed by police for calling in a bomb threat to an employment agency in Edmond, OK. He’s scheduled to have a pretrial conference in that case on April 27.
What is it about Walmart that attracts repeat offenders? You’ll probably remember that the teen in New Jersey caught making a racist announcement over the Walmart PA system had reportedly done the same thing weeks earlier at the same store.
Oklahoma City suspect in Walmart bomb threat has similar case pending in court [NewsOK]
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