VISA Won't Replace Dusty PS3 After All
Remember that guy with the PS3 Sony said was too dusty to repair? The saga continues.
There was a big flareup for a while, and then it looked like VISA was going to replace it. That was a year ago. Reid just IM’d me to say VISA has so far denied his claim because he paid for a small part of it with Paypal and he can’t get any repair center to put it in writing that the unit is definitely unrepairable. His next step is to try to escalate it up within VISA and see if he can appeal the denial. Reid says, “It just makes me so mad that the [recent] price drop (400$-600$) covers the price of the repair they wanted to charge me for.”
PREVIOUSLY: Visa Extended Warranty Protection Replaces Infamous “Dusty Playstation”
ORIGINAL: Dust Voids PS3 Warranty (Photo: basykes)
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