United Airlines Thinks You're Willing To Pay $9 For A Snack
United Airlines is obviously not to familiar with the dollar menu at McDonald’s because they’re convinced that you’ll pay up to $9 for their “Buy-On-Board” snack offerings, says the Wall Street Journal.
The snacks, which include “fresh sandwiches, salads, snack boxes or snacks, depending on the length of flight,” will be complimentary for travelers in Business Class and cost coach fliers from $6 for “shelf stable items” to $9 for fresh items such as salads or sandwiches. This price increase will go into effect in October, about a month after United discontinues free snacks in coach. Previously, Business Class customers got free warm meals.
Are you going to pay $9 for a United Airlines sandwich?
United Airlines to Charge Up to $9 for Snacks [WSJ]
United Tests Food Choices in Business and Economy (Press Release) [MarketWatch]
(Photo: pwrplantgirl )
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