American Airlines Now Charges $15 For The First Checked Bag
American Airlines has just announced that it will begin charging a $15 fee for the first checked bag starting June 15. The airline also said that it would raise fees for things like “reservation help” and “oversized bags.”
CEO Gerard “$15 Fee For Knowing My Middle Name” Arpey said:
“The airline industry as it is constituted today was not built to withstand oil prices at $125 a barrel, and certainly not when record fuel expenses are coupled with a weak U.S. economy,” AMR Chairman and CEO Gerard Arpey said in a statement. “Our company and industry simply cannot afford to sit by hoping for industry and market conditions to improve.”
Well, damn.
American to begin charging for first checked bag [AP]
American Airlines to trim schedule, boost baggage fees [Dallas Morning News] (Thanks, Travis!)
(Photo: Zonaphoto )
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