Mother's Day Threatened By Bad Economy

The poor economic conditions appear poised to impact us right in the heart and derail one of the most sacred spending efforts of the year — Mother’s Day. Can financial Armageddon be that far off? But don’t fret, the downturn isn’t that bad. The National Retail Federation reported, “Consumers facing economic headwinds like higher gas prices will spend less to celebrate Mother’s Day this year – an average of $138.63 compared to $139.14 last year.” Less than $1 drop on average and total spending is expected to be $15.8 billion, hardly a cause for concern. But stepping back a bit, doesn’t $139 seem a bit high? ($15.8 billion sure does.) We’re interested in your thoughts. How much do you usually spend on Mother’s Day and on what sort of gift(s)?

(Photo: Listener42)

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