Round 18: Sears vs Citibank

This is Round 18 in our Worst Company in America contest, Sears vs Citibank.

Sears stores are dirty and staffed by people who don’t give a damn. Getting a warranty repair is a nightmare. The company seems to be composed of different warring factions, with the customer as canon fodder.

Citibank: Like most retail banks excited by late 90’s deregulation, Citibank got hot and heavy into the subrpime mortgage industry and helped to precipitate the current economic crunch. They boost people’s credit card interest rates for no reason, sometimes have customer service completely impervious to logic, and otherwise behave like a typical gigantic bank, which is to say, horribly.

This is a post in our Worst Company In America 2008 series. The companies nominated for this honor were chosen by you, the readers. Keep track of all the goings on at

STILL OPEN FOR VOTING: Wal-Mart vs TJMaxx, Mattel vs ATT, Capital One vs Video Professor, eBay/Paypal vs COX, Apple vs SallieMae, Diebold Vs Pfizer, MTV vs TransUnion
CompUSA vs DirecTV
Target vs Best Buy
Allstate vs Verizon,
DeBeers vs 1800 flowers, Starbucks vs United Airlines,
Exxon vs Crocs, Google Vs Sony, Ticketmaster vs Wachovia, Facebook vs The American Arbitration Association, Comcast vs Menu Foods

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