Round 3: Ticketmaster vs Wachovia

This is round 3 in our Worst Company In America contest, Ticketmaster vs. Wachovia. Their crimes?

Ticketmaster’s inability to fix their system allows scalpers to buy up all the tickets for a concert within minutes, depriving fans of their chance to get a ticket for a fair price. On top of that, Ticketmaster routinely obtains sole vendor relationships with venues, so that even the initial ticket prices are inflated.

For their part, Wachovia profited in millions by allowing scammers to use stolen identities to drain money from customers’ accounts with unsigned checks, despite receiving thousands of warnings about the fraud.

Choose the greater of two evils.

This is a post in our Worst Company In America 2008 series. Keep track of all the goings on at
STILL OPEN FOR VOTING: Facebook vs The American Arbitration Association, Comcast vs Menu Foods

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