Sprint's Special Low Price For One Month Of Mobile Broadband: $14,062.27 Image courtesy of Krystyl signed up for Sprint's $59.99 unlimited Mobile Broadband plan and isn't sure why she just received a bill for $14,062.27.
She writes:
My name is Krystyl. I recently signed up for Sprint, to utilize their wireless broadband card, where I can use the internet on my laptop virtually anywhere where there is a wireless signal. I signed up for the unlimited $59.99 plan, at which I had 30 days to keep or cancel the service. Within the first week of having the service, the card that was sent to me no longer worked. I called to cancel the service, and the gentlemen I spoke with told me that they didnt want to lose me as a customer, so they would drop my service for half the cost and send me a new card. I figured, why not, this is still within my 30 day trial. They sent me a new broadband card, and it the speeds it gave me were in a 14k modem speed, which is about a dial up connection speed or slower these days. I called Sprint for them to tell me to take the card to the store and do an instore return. The nearest store they sent me to that allowed returns was 25 minutes away from where I live. Once I got there, the store told me they could not return the package because the upc code was different than that they carry in the store. The next day I called sprint for them to tell me to give me a run around. After 2 hours on the phone, I finally told them I wanted to cancel the service. At which they did on December 10th.
I checked my mail today to recieve another bill from sprint, for $14,062.27.
Sprint’s website advertises two Mobile Broadband offers: an unlimited plan for $59, and a 40 MB plan for $39, with each additional KB costing $.001. The cheaper plan reassures subscribers: “(Maximum monthly charge $99.99 on the 40MB plan.)”
If Sprint’s customer service representatives say anything short of “Ha! Gotcha! Now let’s fix this,” then call Sprint’s nifty executive customer support hotline for Consumerist readers, at: (703) 433-4401.
Largest Sprint Bill Ever [YouTube]
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