LEAKS: CompUSA Warranty Information

A tipster sends us the letter that CompUSA warranty holders will be receiving:

Dear Valued CompUSA Customer,

Thank you for your business with CompUSA. We regret to inform you that we are in the process of closing our retail locations. We want to let you know, however, that you may still receive service under your Technology Assurance Plan (TAP). All plans are underwritten by an insurance company, so even if our stores are not around, you can still get service.

Based on the type of product and TAP Plan purchased, your service will be handled as follows:


If you do not have internet access, please call the national call center. For additional information about TAP Terms and Conditions, please visit our website:


During the manufacturer warranties, service will continue to be facilitated by the manufacturer. We apologize for an inconvenience you may encounter and thank you again for your business.


CompUSA Management

TAP Repair Plans

CompUSA Product Express Exchange and Replacement Plans

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