China: It's Mattel's Fault That Chinese Companies Manufactured Toys Covered With Lead. What?
China’s General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (GAQSIQ) blamed Mattel for the recent lead contamination of nearly 1 million toys, saying that the toy maker did not adequately supervise their suppliers. Mattel’s oversight safeguards are widely regarded as the “gold standard” for manufacturing in China. From the LA Times:
The government placed part of the blame for the lead paint recall on Mattel and RC2, suggesting that they should have exercised more oversight.
“To prevent loopholes in quality control, overseas brand owners should improve their product design and supervision over product quality,” the watchdog agency said.
GAQSIQ then temporarily suspended the export licenses of two Chinese manufacturers, Lee Dur Industrial and Hansheng Wood, for their use of fake plastic pigment contaminated with lead. Still unknown: which Chinese company supplied the contaminated pigment.
China bans exports by 2 toy makers [LA Times]
(Photo: Violator3)
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