When Will Casey Serin Pay For Embodying The Worst Of The Housing Bubble Burst?

Casey-Serin is 24, but he’s already $170,000 in debt, thanks to a bevy of hare-brained schemes that helped him buy 8 homes in 8 months in 4 states with no money down, looking to do the ol’ “fix n’ flip.” None of them sold, and now he’s strapped to the nines.

We first checked in on him in October ’06, and he seems to have only gotten worse. Two of his properties sold, the other 6 foreclosed. He doesn’t have a job, he recently borrowed $600 to buy a video camera to help with his blogging, and took a trip to Lake Tahoe for a “brainstorming session.” He keeps reaching for more quick-rich schemes, like trying to find a buyer for a Las Vegas Casino, or referring students to a shady investment strategy school. Book deals are said to be in the works, he’s received national and international press coverage, and appeared on Suze Orman’s and Robert Kiyosaki’s advice shows. Hundreds of comments are left on each post.

Let’s not forget that he committed mortgage fraud, lied on his loan applications, and lied about owner intent, that is, said he was planning on living in the place when he really wasn’t.

Why doesn’t he get a job? Declare bankruptcy? Stop being a schmuck? We know why. He’s addicted to blogging about his financial improprieties. The attention feeds continued bad behavior. If he actually fixed his problems, the source of his current notoriety might dissipate. In time, however, Casey will find his fame just as fleeting as his bank account. — BEN POPKEN

I Am Facing Foreclosure [Casey’s Blog]
Casey Serin: The world’s most hated blogger? [Cnet]

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