CompUSA Won't Honor Rebates For Items Purchased At Closing Stores

A reader writes in with a tip about CompUSA’s crappy fire sale:

I made a purchase this past weekend that qualified for a $50 rebate. I attempted to follow the rebate process and was told by their Corporate Rebate folks (800-266-7872) – they would not honor it. They added, it would be honored if the store was one of the ones remaining open or website. You might want to publicize this to save folks from being “lured” by offers that will not be honored.

Sure enough, CompUSA has a “no rebates at closing stores” policy. From their website:

Effective immediately, customers in closing stores are not eligible for CompUSA rebates, and manufacturer rebates will not be available. If an item was purchased prior to 2/27/07, and qualifies for a rebate, please follow the normal submission instructions located on your rebate form. The closing store will not participate in CompUSA’s national ads. However, the closing stores will have their own sales; pretty much every item in the store will be on sale, and the closing stores may have their own ads too.

Well, at least “pretty much every item in the store will be on sale.” You just don’t see enough use of the phrase “pretty much every” in store policies these days.—MEGHANN MARCO


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