Giant List Of Cellphone Company Departments' Direct Numbers

Having trouble finding the special number for a specific department at your cellphone provider? Just feel like bypassing the intermediary customer service reps who might end up disconnecting the call or transferring you to the janitor’s closet?

Inside we’ve got a big ol’ list of numbers For AT&T, Cingular, Nextel, T-Mobile, and All-Tel, lovingly lifted from The Consumer Advocates Blog.


Customer Care:

* 1-866-246-4852 Main Customer Care Number
* 1-800-331-0500 Main Customer Care Number
* 1-866-801-3600 After-Hours Tech Support (open 24/7 for orange customers)
* 1-800-888-7600 Blue TDMA
* 1-866-293-4634 Blue GSM
* 1-800-826-7356 Relocations
* 1-800-450-2005 Cingular migrations
* 1-866-490-2666 Data support
* 1-866-499-7888 Go Phone activations
* 1-866-852-8617 Young America rebate center
* 1-800-356-9752 Corporate liable accounts care / support
* 1-866-391-0749 Web order support
* 1-888-290-1338 Business End-user Care
* 1-877-201-9521 Business Customer Support
* 1-800-298-2158 Change of financial responsibility (blue)
* 1-800-447-1706 Transfer Of Service (Orange)
* 1-800-530-9476 Change of financial responsibility (blue)
* 1-866-228-9657 National service transfer TDMA (blue)
* 1-800-642-5383 National service transfer GSM (blue)
* 1-866-999-1166 Market Relocation/Moving
* 1-866-871-7485 Relocaci

n de Mercado/Mudanza (Market Relocation – Spanish)

Local Number Portability (LNP)

* 1-888-898-7685 Porting Group
* 1-888-880-6914 Porting Group
* 1-800-241-0335 Porting Administration Group (blue)
* 1-800-243-6530 Local Number Portability Center (blue)


* 1-888-562-8662 LockLine
* 1-877-288-4678 Lockline

Phone Repair/Warranty Exchange (XBM):

* 1-866-636-5801 Phone Repair
* 1-800-801-1101 Warranty Exchange
* 1-877-746-9244 Warranty Exchange (blue)


* 1-877-844-5584 Subscription fraud (orange)
* 1-800-221-7377 TDMA Subscription Fraud (blue)
* 1-866-228-9657 GSM Subscription Fraud (blue)

Prepaid Services

* 1-866-499-7888 Go Phone activations
* 1-800-361-1265 Free2go Prepaid care (blue)
* 1-800-530-9472 Pre-paid Activations (blue)


* 1-800-947-5096 Accounts receivable / payments (orange)
* 1-800-544-3859 Accounts receivable TDMA (blue)
* 1-866-626-9606 Accounts receivable GSM (blue)
* 1-800-874-9579 Recurring credit card billing (blue)

International Roaming Support:

* 1-800-335-4685 International Services (from within the US)
* 1-916-843-4685 International Services (from overseas)

Puerto Rico:

* 1-800-331-0500 Customer Service
* 1-787-397-5990 Prepaid Customer Service
* 1-787-399-2677 Corporate Customer Care
* 1-800-845-6059 Sales
* 1-787-398-2111 Corporate Sales

Virgin Islands:

* 1-340-690-5000 Corporate Customer Service
* 1-340-777-7777 St. Thomas Customer Service
* 1-340-690-1000 St. Croix Customer Service

Cingular Employees (internal – not for customers)
1-800-450-2005 Cingular’s IT Support (CARE/Telegence/OPUS/Siebel)


* 1-888-444-4410 National Business Ordering (NBO)
* 1-800-999-5445 National Business Services (Telco Managers and Key Contacts Only)
* 1-888-290-1338 Business End-user Care
* 1-877-201-9521 Business Customer Support
* 1-866-429-7222 Business Sales
* 1-888-565-7329 Business Sales
* 1-800-304-3044 Cingular interactive (BB and MyBiz paging)
* 1-866-355-8923 Corporate Discount (FAN) Attachment


* 1-866-246-4827 Cingular HQ (Atlanta, GA)
* 1-800-356-9752 Corporate liable accounts care / support


* 1-888-333-6651 Consumer Sales
* 1-888-447-7474 Accessory sales
* 1-866-429-7222 Business Sales
* 1-888-565-7329 Business Sales
* 1-888-290-4613 Sales
* 1-866-391-0749 Web Order Support
* 1-888-867-4384 Telesales Support


* Activations 1-888-715-4588 , 1-866-516-8519
* Business Department 1-877-812-1223
* Business Tech Support (Readylink, Aircards, Blackberry, etc.) 1-877-654-9111
* Customer Service with Hold Time 1-888-211-4727 , 1-888-788-4727 (Business Customers Only) , 1-877-909-4806
* Fraud Department 1-888-788-0788
* Internal Marketing Opt-Out 1-800-865-7786
* International Roaming 1-888-226-7212 , 1-877-785-8414 – Add International Roaming to your account
* Order Status for Phones and Accessories 1-800-480-4727, wait for the Spanish prompt to finish the press option 1, 3, 2
* Porting Department 1-877-688-1969
* Rebate Status 1-800-477-4127
* Sales 1-888-253-1315 , 1-866-727-2886 (Telematics TeleSales)
* Total Equipment Protection (Asurion) Handset Replacement Insurance 1-888-584-3666 Tower Department
For corporate-controlled tower issues 1-888-859-1400
* Vision/3G Wireless Web Support Department (Data Support) 1-866-588-9907 , 1-866-818-1944 (Tier 2)

Handset Numbers

* Customer Service – *2
* Bill Payment (Speedpay) – *3
* Airtime Usage – *4
* Sprint PreCash Payment System – #2274 (#CASH)
* Accessory Purchasing – #222
* Referral Credit System – #733 (#REF)
* American Airlines Flight Informaiton – #22 (#AA)
* Charles Schwab Direct – #724
* Western Union – #986


* Customer Service 1-800-639-6111
* Sales 1-800-639-8359


* Customer Service 1-800-937-8997
* Headquarters 1-800-318-9270 , 1-425-378-4000
* International Roaming 1-505-998-3792
* Prepaid Support 1-877-778-2106
* Sales 1-800-866-2453 , 1-888-537-4242 (Business)


* Customer Service 1-800-922-0204
* ESN Change 1-866-ESN-CHNG
* Insurance Claims 1-888-881-2622
* Number Porting 1-866-881-7165
* Returns 1-800-417-3849
* Sales 1-800-256-4646
* Web Orders 1-800-350-2830
* Business Support 1-866-294-1329


* Customer Service 1-800-255-8351
* Business Support 1-888-428-2499


Cell Phone Company Phone Numbers [The Consumer Advocates Blog]

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