Look At Our Flickr Faves Image courtesy of
Image redacted.
Image redacted.
UPDATE: Ben Popken apologizes for improper photo policy with regards to Flickr and offers a new one.
People are always complimenting us on our photos. The quality of the photo work shown on The Consumerist mainly stems from our preternatural ability to steal images from Flickr. In the course of searching for just the right image, we encounter many, some of which we favorite.
Over the past few months, we’ve amassed a sizable library of favorites. Some of them you’ll recognize from the front page, others were left on the cutting room floor, or referenced for possible future use.
So for glimpse in our thought process, check out our faves. By the way, not all images are work safe. — BEN POPKEN
The Consumerist’s Flickr Faves
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