Presidential Proclamation: It's Consumer Protection Week Image courtesy of
During National Consumer Protection Week, citizens are urged to learn more about the risks of fraud and identity theft and take precautions to protect themselves from these crimes.
According to presidential proclamation, this week is Consumer Protection Week! From the White House:
During National Consumer Protection Week, citizens are urged to learn more about the risks of fraud and identity theft and take precautions to protect themselves from these crimes.
We have lots of info about fraud and ID theft and want you to learn all about it.
HOW TO: Get Through Having Your Identity Stolen
How To: Avoid ID Theft
The FTC has lots of info, too.
Deter. Detect. Defend. Avoid ID Theft
Report Fraud To Law Enforcement Agencies With Consumer Sentinel
Get your paper shredder prepped and ready!—MEGHANN MARCO
National Consumer Protection Week, 2007 [White House]
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