The Anti-EULA, Because EULAs Are Stupid

Sick and tired of bogus EULAs?

So is BoingBoing, that’s why they’ve written the Anti-EULA, and naturally, made it available in T-Shirt form:

READ CAREFULLY. By [accepting this material|accepting this payment|accepting this business-card|viewing this t-shirt|reading this sticker] you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (“BOGUS AGREEMENTS”) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

We’ve got to hand it to them. EULAs are bullshit. That, however, is one ugly-ass T-shirt.—MEGHANN MARCO

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