Sell Your Cellphone Contract To Escape It

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If doing battle with lying customer service reps and supervisors isn't your thing, there's an easier way to escape your cellphone contract. Several websites let you post your cellphone contract and trade or sell it to others.

If doing battle with lying customer service reps and supervisors isn’t your thing, there’s an easier way to escape your cellphone contract. Several websites let you post your cellphone contract and trade or sell it to others.

You get out without early termination fee, but that doesn’t come without a price. A roundup:

CellSwapper: Free to post. $14.95 if you sell your contract.

CelltradeUSA: $19.99 to transfer a contract. No fee to take over a contract.

Resellular: $14.99 to transfer a contract. No fee to take over a contract.

Wirecracker: No trading contracts. Flat cancellation fee of $50. Users must sign up with a new service through the site. Out of business.


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