Paypal Freezes Deadspin Fund For Slain Soldier
Apparently Deadspin doesn’t read the Consumerist, or they’d know that PayPal sucks. Sadly, they used Paypal to set up a fund for a slain soldier. From Deadspin:
- They set up the initial Paypal account as a “charitable organization” account. (We do not know why they did this. We did not ask them to.) Because of this, they require “documentation of non-profit tax-exempt status.” Because Deadspin is not, in fact, a non-profit organization (though we wouldn’t exactly call us a “profit” organization either) , the compliance department has decided that the funds are to be frozen for “180 days.”
If we would have known Paypal was so awful, we wouldn’t have used them. We won’t make the mistake again.
Sigh. All that’s in the past now, isn’t it? Let’s help Deadspin in true Consumerist fashion.
Let PayPal know what you think, or call them up: 402-935-2050. —MEGHANN MARCO
Paypal Doesn’t Want Slain Soldiers’ Families To Receive Aid [Deadspin]
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