How Do You Get Walmart To Pay For Your Family Vacation?
Before the Washington Post made Jim Thresher take down the pictures from pro-walmart blog, Walmarting Across America, BusinessWeek noticed the effort and cried foul. But how did Jim and his girlfriend Laura St. Claire get roped into the affair?
- “Laura says that while hiking in the Grand Canyon in February they hit on the idea of driving around in an RV and happened on a Wal-Mart store with a parking lot full of the vehicles. “We thought there was a convention going on there, but soon found out that Wal-Mart lets RVers park for free,” says Laura. The couple thought it was a great idea to rent an RV and visit their children, one attending college in Pennsylvania, another in North Carolina, and save money by parking for free at Wal-Mart stores. Laura figured that she could also write about her experiences for a publication that caters to RVers. But the couple decided to get permission from Working Families for Wal-Mart, an organization that Laura, a Wal-Mart shopper, signed up for to show her support.”
Times are tough. Gas prices are high.
- “We were planning a trip on our own dime, and we were thrilled to have a sponsor who would do all our legwork,” says Laura.”
Maybe we should get Jack Daniel’s to sponsor our next visit to the inlaws.
“Wal-Mart’s Jim and Laura: The Real Story” [BusinessWeek] (Thanks to something_amazing!)
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