Comcast Lies (Badly) To Snag Vonage Customer
Comcast is dissembling like a mother smucker, telling fabulous lies about Vonage in order to get customers to switch. Comcast telemarketed one man and told him that Vonage:
• has inferior call quality.
• only works when the computer is on.
• is so insecure, hackers can eavesdrop on your calls.
It’s a shame to see Comcast stoop to such blatant perfidies, especially when there’s real reasons to not use Vonage, like ass-hat customer service and near-inability to cancel your account. Tsk, tsk – and in the middle of National Customer Service Week! Shame! No company branded concentration beads for you.
“Is Comcast lying to attract new customers?” [Ready Response] (Thanks to Octavia & Trey!)
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