HOWTO: Join The Cingular Lawsuit

If you were an AT&T customer as of October 26, 2004 and, following the switchover to Cingular

• had to pay an early termination fee
• an $18 upgrade fee
• buy a new plan
• buy a new phone
• or experienced degraded service and coverage

You may be eligible to join a class-action lawsuit against the wireless provider.

Find out how, after the jump…

To join the lawsuit, fill out the form at Consumer Watchdog here. You should also send an email to one of the two firms representing consumer plaintiffs, Cotchett Pitre Simon & McCarthy and Stritmatter, Kessler, Whelan, Withey and Coluccio.

It would also be good to familiarize yourself with the case’s factsheet and even peruse a copy of the lawsuit.

Bruce Simon of CPS&M says, “The response has already been enormous and we are taking everyone’s information at the moment for follow up in the future.”

Consumer Watchdog’s site says the next move is that Cingular will probably try get the case dismissed because the customers signed an “arbitration agreement” upon signup voiding their right to go to court. However, the representatives for the plaintiffs feel this agreement is unenforceable

You can also sign up for Consumer Watchdog’s legal updates at the top right of their site and keep abreast as the lawsuit develops.

The most important step has already been taken, though, in the creation of a catchy logo to represent Cingular’s nefariousness.

Previously: Cingular Lowers Bar On AT&T Customer’s Necks

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