Choose Your Own AOL Sponsored Spamventure
Now we know why AOL is eager to melt down its retention facilities into collectible coins and Franklin Mint tchotchkes.
Josh writes that his university sent out an email blast and got this message back on emails sent to a few AOL accounts:
- “We would love to have gotten this email to [recipient’s email address]. But, your recipient never logged onto their free AIM Mail account. Please contact them and let them know that they’re missing out on all the super features offered by AIM Mail. And by the way, they’re also missing out on your email. Thanks. “
That’s right, AOL wants you to retain their customers for them! Now that’s what we call leveraging. AOL finally gets it. Web 2.0 is all about shunting your costs onto the user. Does the forebode the rise of wiki-call-centers?
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