Travelocity Atrocity Image courtesy of
Turns out the Travelocity Guarantee isn't that. Think of it more as a courtesy statement of what you might expect to pay should Travelocity have all its shit together. This guy recorded a call he had with a Travelocity supervisor. He wanted them to honor the agreed-upon price. They didn't.
Turns out the Travelocity Guarantee isn’t that. Think of it more as a courtesy statement of what you might expect to pay should Travelocity have all its shit together. This guy recorded a call he had with a Travelocity supervisor. He wanted them to honor the agreed-upon price. They didn’t.
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It’s unfortunate that it’s edited, would be interesting to hear the rest of the story.
Be sure to read the complainant’s original post to see the specific thrusts the supervisor is responding to.
Obviously he’s not completely in the right, it sounds like he’s asking for a complete free ride, but you have to admit there’s some semantic shenanigans on Travelocity’s side.
“All You Ever Wanted To Know About the Travelocity “Guarantee” [] (Thanks to Mark!
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