You Can’t Take A Picture Of This Starbucks!
Kate is a sweet Canadian photo bug who just happened to be taking some pictures of a Toronto Starbucks when a goonish barrista burst out of the store’s chocolate-hued facade and started claiming she couldn’t take photographs of the building. Luckily, a group of tourists happened to be passing, overheard the exchange and staged an impromptu mass rebellion, snapping hundreds of photographs of the Starbucks in question before the Starbucks manager could even speed dial Russel Crowe to sort the whole thing out.
Kate wonders whether the Starbucks employee was actually legally in the right. In the States, the answer is pretty much “Hell No.” Unfortunately, it doesn’t look as good in Canada, where trespass laws include allowing the owner to specify what activities are or are not allowed on the property. Of course, if you were standing off the property, there’s probably not a hell of a lot he can do.
Go to Kate’s Live Journal for more! By the way, Kate… we love Mr. Saturn too!
You Can’t Take A Picture Of A Starbucks [Ocean Park No. 66]
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