Avoid H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, Says Accountant
If you haven’t done your taxes, don’t go to H&R Block or Jackson Hewitt. That’s the advice we receive from Peter, a professional accountant. He says they will rip you off. And if they mess up, they’re not liable.
(Sheds some light on their callousness indifference to fixing Farkle’s tax return after their incompetence got it all screwed up and audited)
“I have seen utter stupidity in preparation, past advise and other incompetence that are forever doomed to the pile marked “AUDIT,” writes Peter. “Go to the local tax preparer, buy software, ask the bum on the street, but please don’t ever support these unqualified idiots that make us legit people look like fools.”
He also tells us, “Good luck in sticking it to the “man.”
Who knew accountants were so irascible?
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