Underworldly Camera Shop PriceRitePhoto is Back
In the immortal words of LL Cool J, “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years.” Yes, our friends, PriceRite Photo, has returned to online commerce!
Undaunted by being completely exposed as scam artists by tech blogger Thomas Hawk and subsequent articles in Forbes and The New York Times, the sleazy camera shop changed names and got relisted on Yahoo! Shopping and Price Grabber, under the name Barclays Photo.
This is made all the more galling because Thomas already publicly reported the name change.
As Thomas writes, “So much for the shopping comparison search engines looking after their customers.” Indeed, the slime ball shops even brag about how easy it is to get relisted on the comparison shopping sites. Check out the full scoop here.
PriceRite photo was reported back in Nov 29 by Thomas Hawk as running a sleazy only photo supply scam shop out of Brooklyn. Yahoo! Shopping admitted had “rigged their feedback system” in Forbes magazine. For his troubles he received some online acclaim, as well as Denial of Service attacks on his system and life-threatening phone calls.
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