The Consumerist Could Be on NPR Any Second Now
So… we *might* be on NPR’s Marketplace in about 30 minutes, (5pm, EST), talking about the Worst Company in America poll. That’s about all we know. These crazy radio guys, they’re editing up to like the last second the show goes on. Unlike us crazy blogger guys, who can edit weeks and days after. Tune in on the NPR live stream or check your local listings, both found on the website.
This is particularly exciting because they interviewed and quoted some of you commenters as well.
Yay! Grouphug! Go team Consumerist, it’s your birthday, it’s your birthday!
Afterwards we can all eat ice cream on our frolicking rainbow unicorns, shooting lightning bolts at all the lesser forest creatures.
UPDATE: Final confirmation received. Show will air tonight. Check local listings for your hot Consumerist on Marketplace action. The piece should air about 20 minutes into the show.
Or you can listen to the archived show right here.
Previously: We May Be On NPR Tonite
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