Bank of America’s Change Jar: There Must Be Evil Here Somewhere
Since we’ve spent a large portion of our day tearing at Bank of America, we thought we’d offer this recommendation for a new savings program, sent in by (probably astroturf) reader Greg. It seems Bank of America has a new program that rounds up your debit charges to the nearest dollar, then puts the change in a savings account. Gamey, but we like it.
But here’s the interesting part: for the first 3 months they’ll match it up to $250. So if you rack up $250 or more in change over 3 months, BofA will give you $250. After 3 months, they’ll continue to match but only at 5%.
Anyways, I know go out of my way to rack up purchases that end in a few pennies.
$11.01 at the gas pump, perfect.
$45.32 bill at a restaurant, hmm how about a $8.69 tip for total of $54.01.I haven’t gone as far as sending myself PayPal invoices for a penny, but the thought has crossed my mind.
Keep The Change [BoA]
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