PriceRitePhoto: Want to Cancel Your Order? We’ll Sue

Tech blogger Thomas Hawk has fallen prey to yet another crooked New York camera shop. This particular retarded retailer is called ‘’—although we’re sure that they’ll be changing their name soon enough, after all the bad chatter flung their way.

Check out these choice threats from their ‘manager,’ Steve Philips:

“I will make sure you will never be able to place an order on the internet again.” “I’m an attorney, I will sue you.” “I will call the CEO of your company and play him the tape of this phone call.” “I’m going to call your local police and have two officers come over and arrest you.” “You’d better get this through your thick skull.” “You have no idea who you are dealing with.”

There’s nothing The Consumerist loves more than eking out a few extra dollars in savings by shopping off the beaten path, but thanks to douchenozzles like Price Rite Photo, we’re forced to stick to the trusted retailers like Adorama.

But even though Hawk should know better than to buy from an unknown camera retailer, he does post another serious question: How does a company that is so obviously run by slimebags have a four out of five star rating on Yahoo Shopping?

PriceRitePhoto: Abusive Bait and Switch Camera Store [Thomas Hawk]

Related: Online Camera Retailer Leaves Death Threats for Customer [Consumerist]

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