
CEO Email Scam Returns With A Special Tax Season Twist

CEO Email Scam Returns With A Special Tax Season Twist

We know that the above email couldn’t be real for a few reasons: Consumerist doesn’t have our own payroll department, and Olivia is a cat. Yet there’s a new variation of the now-classic CEO scam, where someone impersonates your boss over email and requests a massive wire transfer. In this version, the boss impersonator does exactly what Fake Meg does above: they request a file of employee W-2 forms enabling them to commit identity theft, including filing fraudulent tax returns. [More]

(Studio d'Xavier)

My W-2 Arrives Ripped Open, Only Tax Cat And I Care

Ultimately, we’re all responsible for our own fates. That’s what David learned when an important tax document arrived in his mailbox with his Social Security number and name exposed. It didn’t come in a “sorry we damaged your mail” envelope like most mangled letters do, so he was suspicious. Maybe someone had ripped it open to get his info. Maybe a postal employee had mangled it, but forgot to put it in an apologetic envelope. Whatever had happened, surely the postal service, credit bureaus, and police would have answers for him, right? Right. [More]

Help! My Employer Folded And Now I Can't Get A W-2

As you might have noticed, a number of companies have shut their doors over the last few years. Making matters worse for the former employees of some of those businesses is that they still have to file their tax returns — but no one wants to give them a W-2. [More]

How To Get Free Tax-Prep Help

How To Get Free Tax-Prep Help

What many taxpayers don’t know when they step into H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt or go to some tax-preparation site is that there are several thousand IRS-approved volunteers out there willing to do the job for free if you qualify. [More]

What The IRS Sends Employers Who Forget To Send W-2s

What The IRS Sends Employers Who Forget To Send W-2s

Get Missing W-2s By Siccing IRS On Your Employer

Get Missing W-2s By Siccing IRS On Your Employer

We finally wrested our W-2 from our previous employer’s hands and all it took was the threat of an IRS fine.

Still Missing A W-2? Call The IRS

Still Missing A W-2? Call The IRS

Still missing last year’s W-2? We mentioned this tip a month ago, but here’s the step by step process for notifying the IRS when nicely phoning the office manager hasn’t worked.