One important consumer lesson that we hope our readers take away from this site is that erectile dysfunction drugs that you find on a gas station counter are never a good idea. An Alabama man has been charged with intentionally defrauding and misleading consumers for importing a drug sold as a “male enhancement product” that contained sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. [More]

Analysis: Sudden Hearing Loss Could Be Rare Side Effect Of Viagra And Cialis
Suddenly losing your hearing with no warning is a terrifying prospect, and that’s been a known side effect of erectile dysfunction drugs Viagra and Levitra for almpst a decade, with the Food and Drug Administration publishing a warning about a possible link back in 2007. A new analysis by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices shows that while hearing loss is a very rare side effect, it is much more likely to happen when taking either of these medications. [More]

FDA: We Think The Secret Ingredient In Your “Herbal Viagra” Is Actual Viagra
Here’s some news that apparently comes as a surprise to many consumers: it is not a good idea to buy pills marketed as “natural” aphrodisiacs or “herbal Viagra.” While the famed erectile dysfunction treatment won’t be available as a generic medication for a few years yet in the United States, that doesn’t stop companies from making analogues to it and selling it as “natural” supplements. [More]

CVS/Caremark Dropping Viagra From Drug Formulary
Patients who use the erectile dysfunction pill Viagra and whose health insurance drug coverage is through CVS/Caremark will have to pay cash or switch to Cialis: the pharmacy benefits administrator has removed the drug from its formulary, which is a fancy word for “list of drugs that we’ll pay for.” [More]

Viagra Airing TV Ads Targeted At Women For The First Time
While Viagra is a medication taken for men, they’re not the only ones who could benefit from its use. The makers of the erectile dysfunction treatment have figured out that women are a valuable marketing asset, what with being half of a man-woman horizontal tango, and as such, have started aiming ads at the female of the species for the first time ever. [More]

Cialis One Step Closer To Being Available Over The Counter
Good news for couples who enjoy holding hands while sitting outside in separate tubs that have no attached plumbing — the makers of Cialis are going to ask federal regulators to consider an over-the-counter version of the popular erectile dysfunction drug. [More]

The Secret To These “African Black Ant” Pills Isn’t Black Ants, It’s Viagra
There’s a reason that, after centuries of homemade potency potions that fell flat, the world went crazy for drugs like Viagra (sildenafil) and Cialis (tadalafil). It’s because they apparently work. So it’s no surprise that companies may be trying to mix these prescription drugs into their “dietary supplements” and hope that no one actually tests them. [More]

Pfizer To Sell Viagra Direct To Consumers Online, Not Through Spam Messages
Do you want all of the ease of ordering Viagra online, with none of the risk that you’re helping support a global spam empire? Soon, you may be in luck! Sort of. Pfizer, makers of Viagra, announced recently that they plan to sell the famed erectile-dysfunction drug directly to consumers, instead of to pharmacies through wholesalers. [More]

Viagra Can Work Wonders On Flower Stems’ Stamina Just Like, Well, You Know
If you managed to get adecent bouquet of healthy, thriving flowers (unlike many of our readers and all these people on Twitter) give yourself a pat on the back. Now, how can you keep your stems firm, your petals blossoming and infuse those stamens with stamina? That same magic blue pill also likely popular on Valentine’s Day, Viagra. [More]

Using Viagra When You Don’t Need It Could Make You Psychologically Dependent On It
Many moons ago, when Viagra first came on the market, I had a co-worker who went through those pills like they were breath mints, in spite of not actually needing them. And he’s not alone, as untold number of men without erectile dysfunction use the drug recreationally, believing it enhances their lovemaking prowess. But the results of a new study claim that all the pill-popping may lead users to second-guess their erectile ability. [More]

Maker Of OxyContin Believes Children Are The Future (For Extending Its Patent)
The company that makes OxyContin has a good thing going, with lots of free PR from shows like Intervention and Justified and no exact generic equivalent to undercut its market share. But there are dark clouds on the horizon for the OxyContin brand, as its patent is set to expire in April. Now, in a ploy to extend that patent, the Oxy folks are going through the motions of pretending they actually care whether or not children can take the drug safely. [More]

Get Your Viagra And Xanax From A Soda Machine
Our TV shows, magazines, and outdoor spaces are already inundated with ads and marketing for prescription medications, so why shouldn’t we be able to get them from a vending machine? [More]

It Takes 12.5 Million Spams To Sell $100 Of Viagra
Considering how insistent and persistent the emails are, you would think there was big bucks in pushing pills that increase the flow of blood to one’s penis for an extended period of time. That may be true, but only because the costs of spam advertising are so low, as revealed by this nugget in a New York Times article that reveals it takes 12.5 million spam emails just to sell $100 worth of Viagra. [More]

Microsoft And Feds Take Down World's Largest Spam Botnet
Your inbox might feel a little empty for a while because Microsoft and the Feds have taken down the world’s largest botnet, “Rustock,” estimated to have infected over 1 million computers worldwide. [More]

FDA Issues Recall For Duro Extend Capsules For Containing Ingredient That Might Actually Work
It’s one thing to market a pill for “male enhancement” that doesn’t work; it’s another to market one that might and not tell customers about the ingredient that could be causing it to work. Just ask the folks behind those Duro Extend Capsules For Men, who have issued a recall after the FDA found they contain Sulfoaidenafil, an analogue of sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. [More]

Kiddie Viagra Could Earn Patent Extension For Pfizer
Viagra for kids? That sounds… well, wrong. But apparently, low doses of the erectile dysfunction drug can help children stricken by a rare lung disorder. It could also earn Pfizer a six-month extension on the patent for its blue-chip brand. [More]

Viagra, Cialis Users Too Busy Doin' It To Use Condoms
Judging by the Viagra and Cialis ads on TV, users of these drugs spend their time playing novelty covers of “Viva Las Vegas” in the garage with their buddies or taking baths outdoors with their wives in separate claw-foot tubs. But no, apparently men take these pills so they can have sex, which they’re doing a lot of; oh, and they’re also catching a lot of STDs. [More]

Female Answer To Viagra Just Can't Stand Up To Testing Says FDA
Sad news for the world of gettin-it-on today: A drug that had been intended as a female analog to Viagra has not only not shown promise in tests, but has actually demonstrated some quite non-sexy side effects. [More]