
Burger King Breakfast Value Menu Starts Monday

Burger King Breakfast Value Menu Starts Monday

The menu will feature 10 offerings with prices beginning at $1, including French toast sticks, a sausage biscuit, hash browns, cinnamon buns, coffee, milk, soda, orange juice and a new Hamlette sandwich, made with ham, cheese and egg.

Burger King To Add Breakfast Value Menu

    The menu will feature 10 offerings with prices beginning at $1, including French toast sticks, a sausage biscuit, hash browns, cinnamon buns, coffee, milk, soda, orange juice and a new Hamlette sandwich, made with ham, cheese and egg.

Detroit  Exec Rants At Consumer Reports

Detroit Exec Rants At Consumer Reports

Detroit car manufacturers are infuriated that none of their smoking heaps were named in Consumer Reports’ 2006 top ten list of vehicles, yielding this astonishing rant from General Motors executive Lori Green: