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Privacy Activists Set Up Giant Mobile Billboard Across From Netflix HQ To Protest VPN Blocking

From a business standpoint, it makes sense for Netflix to block VPNs — virtual private networks — to cut down on users accessing its content in foreign countries. But privacy activists who just want to use VPNs to keep their internet connections, well, private, aren’t too pleased with Netflix’s recent blocking campaign. [More]

British Airways Program Gets To Know Its Customers A Little Too Well

British Airways Program Gets To Know Its Customers A Little Too Well

We’re not even sure it’s a good idea to Google a date before you get the chance to meet them in person (“Why such a large collection of tiny dolls?” etc.), so checking out passengers online before they arrive for a flight? That could get uncomfortable. A new British Airways program called “Know Me” has some privacy advocates worried that it gets to know its customers a little too much. [More]