U.S. Airlines

John Kittelsrud

Bumping Rates On Airlines Fall After Carriers Change Overbooking Policies

You might remember a little incident on a United Airlines flight back in April in which a ticketed passenger was forcefully removed from a flight after he refused to give up his seat. That incident resulted in several airlines changing their policies related to overbooking flights, and the results of those changes are starting to show: The number of passengers bumped from U.S. airlines is at its lowest level in more than a decade.  [More]

FAA Halts US Flights Over Iraq Because Of Ongoing “Hazardous” Conflict

FAA Halts US Flights Over Iraq Because Of Ongoing “Hazardous” Conflict

For the second time in two months, the Federal Aviation Administration has banned U.S. airlines from flying over international areas of conflict; this time over Iraq. [More]