trail mix

Hummus, Trail Mixes Recalled For Potential Listeria Contamination

Hummus, Trail Mixes Recalled For Potential Listeria Contamination

What do granola, protein bars, hummus, and trail mix have in common? Other than being healthy and delicious snacks, they’re also items that have been recalled due to a massive recall of dried fruits and nuts that are potentially linked to the same processing plant. [More]

Glyn Lowe Photoworks

Whole Foods Shopper Says He Found Animal Bone In Trail Mix

A New Jersey man who bought trail mix from Whole Foods says his snack came with an extra, unexpected crunch: the bone of an animal mixed in with the dried fruit and nuts. [More]

Can Of Planters Trail Mix Comes With Free Dried Gecko

Can Of Planters Trail Mix Comes With Free Dried Gecko

You never know what you might get the next time you reach into a container of trail mix. Peanut…raisin…dried apricot…sunflower seed…dried gecko. AHHH!!! DRIED GECKO! [More]

Bear Grylls Loves Post Trail Mix, When He Can't Grab A Handful Of Goat Balls And Spiders

Bear Grylls Loves Post Trail Mix, When He Can't Grab A Handful Of Goat Balls And Spiders

-That’s why you’re a junior account manager, Chuck. You don’t think outside the box.