to go cups

Introducing The Gooder Version Of The KFC Go Cup: The Wheel Meat

Introducing The Gooder Version Of The KFC Go Cup: The Wheel Meat

KFC’s recently launched Go Cup, which combines the thrill of eating fried foods with the exhilaration of being stuck in traffic on the way home, is just the latest from the attention-seeking food-marketers at Yum! Brands who brought you the Double Down, the Doritos tacos, and cheese on donuts. But Stephen Colbert thinks KFC could still make it even more convenient to clog your arteries while clogging the intersection. [More]

We see how this works -- cups go in the cupholders!

KFC’s New Go Cup Allows You To Drive & Eat Chicken At The Same Time

Until this moment, eating in the car has been a complete and total disaster: Where do you put the food? Why is there no table? How is a reasonable person supposed to feel confident operating heavy machinery and munching without solutions to these problems?!? Luckily, KFC has found a way to quiet the masses clamoring to be free of all fetters whilst dining en vehicle: Snack containers that fit in your cup holder. [More]